I didn't realize that it has been so long since my last post! This month is flying by (which is not necessarily a bad thing!) Let me catch you up on what has been going on with us....
- I had to work New Years Eve (taking care of babies that were supposed to be born weeks after the New Year) so Wesley went to Nick and Joy's house for dinner and to watch football. Nick and Joy moved here from Mississippi, and Nick is in Wesley's CRNA school class. We are so thankful for their friendship.
- Last Sunday we joined Emerald Coast Fellowship. It is a Southern Baptist church. After being "visitors" at several churches since August, we both feel like we found the right fit for us. We are members of the Newlywed Sunday School class and are meeting a lot of really sweet people. We are looking forward to making more friendships and growing closer to the Lord there.
- This semester is already so much different than last. Wesley is in the OR 3 days a week instead of 1, so I don't see him as much as I would like. The good thing about it is that he LOVES what he is doing and is learning so much. I try my best to soak up every second of his free time!
- Also since my last post, our Auburn tigers became the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!! My older sister, Amy, and I went to the BCS Championship celebration in Auburn yesterday. The stadium was packed! It was so much fun to just be there! Afterwards we hung out with our little sister, Sarah, and her friends. It made me miss being in college!

Since I was in Auburn, I was able to go to a going away party for one of our couple friends that are moving to Fairhope. I was so glad to be able to see so many sweet friends that I rarely get to see now that we have moved away.

(As you can tell from the pics above, my pale face got a little bit of sun at the stadium and I got sunburned!! It looks like I was having an allergic reaction to something!)