Our vacation began on Monday when we drove over to Seagrove. We stayed at "The Bungalow" until Friday morning. It was the perfect size and a great location on 30-A! We spent hours everyday on the beach and ate out every night for dinner! Here are some pics of our week at the beach!
The Red Bar
We drove over to Destin one day and Joy and I took Jillian to Build-a-Bear while the guys walked around Bass Pro Shop. She built a kitty who she named "Maps!"
We left the beach and went to Wesley's parents house in Lincoln. We were glad that we were able to spend time with them and celebrate Mother's Day a week early with Wesley's mom. We were also so exicted to see Wesley's grandmother who was there because her power was out due to the effects of the tornados in Guntersville. Thankfully everyone was safe.
Saturday night we went to a wedding shower in Lineville, AL for our good friends Adam and Adrianne. It was so good seeing friends that we don't see as often since we have moved. It was also amazing to realize how fast time flies and to see the little faces of our friends' babies! Unfortunately most of my pics from the party (including the group pics) were blurry, but here are just a few.
We ended our week with a fun afternoon. I've always known that my parents LOVED Wesley, but I didn't know just how much until yesterday. He has mentioned wanting 4-Wheelers to ride on the land that my dad bought several months ago, but we didn't really expect my dad to go ahead and get them...especially since I "mentioned" my whole childhood how much I wanted a golf-cart or go-cart....well, well, I think we know who the favorite is! Wesley got his wish :) (I have to admit that I LOVE it when anyone spoils my husband though)
We ended the afternoon with a yummy dinner at my parents' house...The Pioneer Woman's Killer Club Sandwich:
YUMMY! I guess the diet will have to wait until tomorrow!