Well, this past weekend was a little crazier than usual! Our first nephew, Jon Charles, decided that he wanted to enter this world several weeks before any of us had planned. Jennifer (Wesley's sister) had to have an emergency c-section on Friday afternoon. Fortunately, Wesley got off work earlier than usual on Friday, so when we got the text message at little before 4pm on Friday saying that Jon Charles was about to come, we were able to be packed, ready, and filling the truck up with gas within 18 minutes!!! And we didn't forget to pack a single thing! We made it to Nashville at 11pm on Friday night and got to go back and see Jennifer and her husband Jon. Wesley's brother, Drew, and his fiance, Sydney, made it to Nashville around 12:30am. We were all just so thankful that Jennifer was doing well!!!
The next day when we got to the hospital, Wesley and I were able to go into the NICU and meet Jon Charles. Since he was just 33 weeks, he had to be placed on oxygen and have a feeding tube. AND he had to be under the phototherapy lights which is the reason that he is wearing his sporty sunglasses in the pictures!

I have to say though, I have seen many 33 week babies (and term babies for that matter) while I've been a nurse, but there is just something about this sweet baby boy that tugs at my heartstrings even more than usual! He is so precious, and I think that his fuzzy blonde hair is the cutest thing ever! I am one proud aunt! Wesley called and got an update a few hours ago, and the nurse said that he is doing great! They are going to try to take is nasal cannula out of his nose today, they are increasing his feedings, and he is under just one phototherapy light instead of 2. She said that by tomorrow he should be considered a "step-down" baby and no longer a NICU baby! We are all so thankful for the prayers and for God's blessings!